Creepy Carrots! is a delightful and spooky children’s book written by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Peter Brown. The story follows Jasper Rabbit, who loves the delicious carrots from Crackenhopper Field until he begins to imagine that the carrots are following him. From strange reflections to creepy shadows, Jasper’s fear of the carrots grows as he tries to outsmart them with a creative plan. This story, with its fun mix of humor and suspense, has captivated readers since its publication in 2012, and was later adapted into a short animated film.
Now, fans of Creepy Carrots! can enjoy bringing this eerie tale to life through our coloring pages. For fans of other fun and adventurous cartoons, explore our Hey Arnold! coloring pages, or dive into the world of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie with its delightful coloring pages here.
If you’re in the mood for some holiday fun, check out our Grinch coloring pages for some mischievous coloring fun.
Get ready to color Jasper Rabbit’s spooky world and his creative battle against the creepy carrots!
- Creepy Carrots Character Traits
- Creepy Carrots and Jasper Rabbit
- Creepy Carrots Book
- Creepy Carrots Carrot Patch
- Creepy Carrots Cause and Effect
- Creepy Carrots
- Creepy Carrots Crafts for Kids
- Creepy Carrots
- Creepy Carrots Drawing
- Creepy Carrots for Preschool
- Creepy Carrots Halloween
- Creepy Carrots in the Garden
- Creepy Carrots
- Creepy Carrots Retelling
- Creepy Carrots Sinister
- Creepy Carrots Story Activities
- Creepy Carrots Story Elements
- Free Creepy Carrots
- Jasper Rabbit
- Printable Creepy Carrots