Zoboomafoo is a beloved children’s television show that aired in the late 1990s and early 2000s, captivating young viewers with its mix of animal education and fun. Hosted by the Kratt brothers and featuring an adorable lemur named Zoboomafoo, the show introduced kids to a variety of animals and their natural habitats in an engaging and entertaining way. Zoboomafoo’s playful antics and his educational messages made learning about wildlife both fun and memorable for children.
For more animal-themed fun, check out our Wild Kratts coloring pages, where kids can explore and color their favorite creatures. If your child enjoys big, lovable characters, our Clifford coloring pages offer colorful adventures with Clifford the Big Red Dog.
For a more educational experience, explore our The Magic School Bus coloring pages for science-filled adventures with Ms. Frizzle and her class.
Let your imagination run wild with Zoboomafoo and other fun, animal-filled coloring pages!
- Zoboomafoo
- Zoboomafoo Adventure
- Zoboomafoo and Animals
- Zoboomafoo and Friends
- Zoboomafoo Animal Exploration
- Zoboomafoo Animals and Friends
- Zoboomafoo Fun
- Zoboomafoo Jungle Adventure
- Zoboomafoo Jungle
- Zoboomafoo Kratt Brothers
- Zoboomafoo Lemur
- Zoboomafoo Lemur Playing
- Zoboomafoo on an Adventure
- Zoboomafoo Printable Animal
- Zoboomafoo Slimantha
- Zoboomafoo Snow Lemur
- Zoboomafoo Wildlife Adventures
- Zoboomafoo Wildlife
- Zoboomafoo with Kratt Brothers
- Zoboomafoo Zoo Animal