Worksheet Title: Skip Counting: Trace The Maze
Instructions: Follow the path from 0 and trace the maze. Skip count by 2 and help mama bird get to the nest. Write the missing numbers on the tracing path.
- Objective: This worksheet is designed to help elementary students practice skip counting by 2 while engaging in a fun and interactive activity.
- Visual Elements:
- The worksheet features a maze that starts at the number 0 and ends at a nest with baby birds.
- The path through the maze is to be followed by skip counting by 2 (e.g., 0, 2, 4, 6, etc.).
- Some numbers are already filled in along the path, but there are gaps where students need to write the missing numbers.
- Students start at the point marked "Start" (with the number 0).
- They follow the maze path, filling in the missing numbers in sequence by counting by 2.
- The goal is to trace the path correctly by writing the correct numbers until they reach the "Finish" point where the nest is located.
Educational Purpose: This worksheet aims to reinforce students' understanding of skip counting by 2, enhancing their number sequencing skills and their ability to recognize numerical patterns. It combines math practice with a fun activity that keeps students engaged.